1. Computer Keyboard Tracking Software
Computer keyboard tracking software save all keyboard typed keys, visited websites, url into a hidden encrypted log file and log can be save as user specified location. Download keylogger application records all chat conversation from all popular instant messenger like MSN, AOL, Google, Yahoo etc. U... 
Date: 15.4.2009, downloaded: 0 (total: 4), vote:     
2. Mac Remote Keylogger
www.freekeyloggerdownload.info presents Mac Remote Keylogger software to trace login and password details of unauthorized user access your system in your absence. Internet monitoring program facilitates parents to keep an on all the web sites visited by children in late night. System tracking applic... 
Date: 16.2.2013, downloaded: 0 (total: 4), vote:     
3. Weblink Checker Tool
Backlink checker is powerful and helpful software to the users who want to promote the page rank of their websites. Web link monitoring utility supports http URL sites as well as https URL sites. Software provides automatic emailing of notifications to alert the publisher sites where advertiser webs... 
Date: 15.11.2007, downloaded: 0 (total: 5), vote:     
4. Backlink Checker Software
Reciprocal link software utility analysis exchange distribution details of web URL from a pre-described list of advertise URLs. Web sites backlink analysis tool maintains status of web link URL’s on advertiser’s website. On missing publisher URL web sites software automatically send alerts users via... 
Date: 14.1.2008, downloaded: 0 (total: 5), vote:     
5. Yahoo Backlink Checker
Real time website inbound link analyzer software find total amount of links including java script link, reciprocal link, inlinks, inward links and incoming links, link to your site. Free SEO tool (backlink checker) is very useful to increase your website popularity, different search engine (Google, ... 
Date: 24.10.2008, downloaded: 0 (total: 6), vote:     
6. Reciprocal Link Analysis Software
Reciprocal link analysis software traces multiple website links instantly rather than one by one (manually) and also provides facility to check backlinks from both http and secure http (https) websites. Weblink status monitoring application monitors all links like direct link, inward link, inbound l... 
Date: 8.12.2008, downloaded: 0 (total: 2), vote:     
7. Web Traffic Monitor
Brilliant Web Traffic Monitor program is easy to download from www.drpusoftware.com that provides easy facility to track real time performance of your website over internet. Easy to operate website monitor utility provides data backup facility to regain accidentally deleted database records and send... 
Date: 25.12.2012, downloaded: 0 (total: 3), vote:     
8. Computer Activity Monitoring Software
How to observe system performed actions by employees during business working hours? Company manger can easily monitor overall offline and online actions like watch match scorecard, check personal email account, visited social networking sites, composed/sent email, etc done by their staff members at ... 
Date: 9.2.2013, downloaded: 0 (total: 4), vote:     
9. Website Opener
Most of the computer users that have access to the Internet, visit several websites on a daily basis. Keeping track of them can be done with the help of various browsers (bookmarks and favorites) or, a much easier and faster way is by using the handy Website Opener.
Website Opener, as its nam... 
Date: 21.5.2012, downloaded: 0 (total: 12), vote:     
10. Mac Spy Software
Confused how to record partner email conversation? Simply download Mac Spy Software from website www.freespysoftware.biz to record each and every keystroke pressed on apple computer keyboard while editing text file. Cost effective keylogger spy program has facility to protect the generated log files... 
Date: 31.5.2013, downloaded: 0 (total: 6), vote:     
11. Keyboard Monitoring Utility
Keystroke logger software captures all typed keyboard strokes, chat conversation, unauthorized users, employee, online offline activities, typed URLs, visited websites, all pressed keys and runs in background in hidden mode. Stealth keyboard capture tool record and display complete login session and... 
Date: 27.11.2008, downloaded: 0 (total: 2), vote:     
12. Website Performance Checker Tool
Website monitoring software continuously watches uptime, downtime status of site and notifies via email, alert sound or run specific program. External server monitor tool trace remote server and all internet protocols like HTTP, FTP, SMTP and POP3. Real time status checker tool quickly notify via sp... 
Date: 30.5.2008, downloaded: 0 (total: 2), vote:     
13. Website Backlink Checker
Download web site back link reporting tool handle details of exchange reciprocal link, website links and direct links of websites. Back link tracking utility tool sends emails automatically from pre-mentioned email list when publisher URL not found on advertise URL. Websites direct URL analysis util... 
Date: 18.12.2007, downloaded: 0 (total: 3), vote:     
14. Website Broken Link Checker
Backlink tracker software automatically finds the status of advertiser website link on publisher website in fastest and easiest method. Backlink check programming tool gives way to increase page rank of your site and maintain status of distributed advertise link on publisher domain. Inbound link scr... 
Date: 7.8.2008, downloaded: 0 (total: 4), vote:     
15. Data Shredder Utility
Disk files wiper utility cleanup your deleted files records and ensure that deleted data is not recovered by any data recovery software available in market. Data cleaner software wipes most recently used application of office documents (word, excel, power point, access) and other similar type of dat... 
Date: 24.10.2008, downloaded: 0 (total: 5), vote:     